
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, December 1993:

The last four of the first
eight California condors to be
returned to the wild were recap-
tured November 9 for relocation
from the Sespe Condor Sanctuary
to the Los Padres National Forest,
far to the north. Three condors
released at Sespe since January
1992 were killed in collisions with
power lines, while a fourth was
poisoned by drinking antifreeze.
Racing Stockcar Assoc-
iates Inc. is attempting to build a
dirt racetrack in a former sand quar-
ry beneath Bake Oven Knob,
Pennsylvania, site of one of North
America’s longest maintained rap-
tor obervatories.

Says Donald
Heintzelman of the Wildlife
Information Center in nearby
Allentown, who coordinates the
Bake Oven Knob species counts,
“It’s like putting a honkytonk in
front of the Mona Lisa.”
An African grey parrot
named Max knows who mur-
dered Jane Gill, 36, of Santa
Rosa, California, in November
1991, claims Charles Ogulnik,
attorney for accused killer Gary
Joseph Rapp––but Superior Court
judge Raymond Giordano refused
on November 11 to admit the par-
rot’s testmony. Found in his cage
near Gill’s body two days after the
murder, the parrot was badly dehy-
drated, but upon recovering his
health immediately began shriek-
ing, “Richard, no, no, no!”
Richard has never been identified.
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