
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 1993:

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service has proposed to take red, western
gray, and eastern gray kangaroos off the
threatened species list, which would mean
their pelts could be imported in greater
numbers. Protected since 1974, the
Australian kangaroos now number about
18 million, up from 10 million in 1984,
and are killed for pelts at the rate of about
5.2 million a year. Public comments will
be received until March 22. Address
Office of Public Affairs, USFWS, Dept.
of the Interior, Washington, DC 20240.

The United States Mink Export
Development Council, funded from tax
dollars by the USDA, has $1,759,500 to
spend on fur promotion during 1993. The
money is granted to cover up to 50% of
what U.S. firms spend to tout fur in Japan,
Korea, Hong Kong, Italy, Germany,
Spain, Austria, France, Switzerland,
Mexico, and Russia. Protest to your
Congressional reps.
Fur trade bankruptcies have
cost U.S. banks $60 million since 1988.
The U.S. Technical Advisory
Group on “humane trapping standards,”
a group representing regulatory bodies
and the fur trade, has selected Tom
Krause, editor of The American Trapper,
to cast the U.S. vote when the
International Organization for Stand-
ardization sets forth the standards that fur
exporters must meet by January 1, 1995,
in order to sell fur to members of the
European Community.
Though often depicted in a
raccoon skin cap, Daniel Boone hated
fur hats, according to John Mack
Faragher’s authoritative new biography,
Daniel Boone: the Life and Legend of an
American Pioneer (Holt, 429 pages,
A rare Amur tiger killed a
Russian fur poacher on January 30.
Chadwick’s of Boston has
ceased the sale of fur-trimmed garments.
Thank the firm at 35 United Drive, W.
Bridgewater, MA 02379-1026.
The Association for the
Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals
offers trapline photos and video footage
to antifur groups at cost. Get details
from 2235 Commercial Dr., Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada V5N 4B6.
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