International legislation

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 2005:

National People’s Congress agriculture and rural affairs
committee vice chair Shu Huiguo on August 24 submitted a draft animal
welfare bill to the congress, which if approved would become the
first Chinese federal anti-cruelty legislation. The bill “refers to
the animals’ right to be free from hunger, misery, disease, and
fear,” explained the Xinhua News Agency. “The draft law also
stipulates that farmers should provide a proper environment for
animals to live and reproduce.”

Switzerland, Japan, and Tasmania state, Australia, are
all reportedly close to adopting new legislation governing various
aspects of raising and selling livestock and pets. In Canada,
however, where the national anti-cruelty law has not been updated in
109 years despite seven years of attempts, New Brunswick Senator
John Bryden warned in mid-August that he has enough support from
farmers, hunters, fishers, and animal researchers to block passage
of C-50, the current version of the proposed update. This caused
Conservative party justice critic Vic Toews to back away from
endorsing the bill, which is unlikely to pass without support from
all major parties.

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