BOOKS—Saving the White Lions: One Woman’s Battle for Africa’s Most Sacred Animal

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July-August 2013:

Saving the White Lions: One Woman’s Battle for Africa’s Most Sacred Animal by Linda Tucker North Atlantic Books  (2526 Martin Luther King Jr. Way,   Berkeley,  CA 94704),  2013.   489 pages,  paperback.  $16.95.

In November 1991,  not long after Nelson Mandela was released after serving 27 years in prison for fighting apartheid, South African author Linda Tucker and several friends drove to a favorite childhood haunt of hers in the “middle of the untamed African bushveld,”  as Tucker describes it.  Read more

Renowned wildlife researcher Lynn Rogers loses his permit to radio-collar wild bears

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July-August 2013:

ELY,  Minnesota––Lynn Rogers,  74,   longtime director of the Wildlife Research Institute and the affiliated North American Bear Center in Ely,  Minnesota,  was on June 28,  2013 told by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources that the permit he has held since 1999 to radio-collar wild bears will not be renewed.   Read more

Tiger Truck Stop loses appeal, is closer to being closed

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  May/June 2013:

NEW ORLEANS––Twenty-five years of protest and litigation against live tiger displays at the Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete,  Louisiana,  inched closer to resolution with an April 25,  2013 ruling by a three-judge panel representing the Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeal that truck stop owner Michael Sandlin does not have a valid permit to keep a 12-year-old tiger named Tony on the premises. Read more

Rhino conservationist Anna Merz dies in South Africa

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  May/June 2013:

Anna Merz,  83,  died on April 4,  2013 at a hospital in Melkriver,  South Africa,  her home since 1996.   Born in England,  Merz was among the many London children who were relocated to Cornwall during the Nazi bombing attacks of early World War II. Studying politics and economics at Nottingham University,  she read for the bar at Lincoln’s Inn,  but instead of practicing law,  she relocated to Ghana with her first husband.  There,  recalled The Times of London,  she “owned a crankshaft grinding workshop,  developed a love of riding,  worked as honorary warden in the game department and took off on expeditions across the Sahara and around Uganda and northern Kenya.” Read more

Wolf hunting expands even as delisting from federal protection is delayed

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  May/June 2013:

WASHINGTON D.C.––”A recent unexpected delay” has indefinitely postponed the anticipated removal of gray wolves in the Lower 48 states from U.S. endangered species list protection,  Associated Press reported on May 21,  2013,  citing only “a court filing” by “government attorneys.”   Read more

BOOKS / The Lost Whale: The True Story of an Orca Named Luna

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  April 2013:

The Lost Whale: The True Story of an Orca Named Luna by Michael Parfit & Suzanne Chisholm St. Martin’s Press (c/o MacMillan,  175 Fifth Avenue,  New York,  NY  10010),  2013. 329 pages,  hardcover.  $25.99

The Lost Whale is a compelling story of a lost orca,  or killer whale,  who as an infant in 2001 somehow became separated from his pod,  the family that he depended on for survival. Read more

Some New Zealand bird conservationists favor cats

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  April 2013:

WELLINGTON,  New Zealand––Forty-eight percent of New Zealand households keep cats,  the highest rate of cat-keeping in the world,  according to the New Zealand Pet Food Manufacturers Association. But prominent New Zealand birders disagree over whether free-roaming pet cats and feral cats have much to do with losses of rare bird species. Economist Gareth Morgan argues that cats should be eradicated from New Zealand through universal sterilization and non-replacement. Read more

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