Ivory speculation makes captive elephants in Thailand & India worth more dead than alive

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  September 2013: (Actually published on October 8,  2013)

BANGKOK,  Thailand;  THIRUVANATHAPURAM,  India––Unscrupulous owners of working elephants are increasingly often deciding that the rising cost of elephant care and soaring prices paid by speculators for ivory mean their elephants are worth more dead than alive––and are resisting legislation to protect the elephants,  who have often been illegally captured from the wild. Read more

BOOKS—Wild Planet: Celebrating wildlife photographer of the year

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  September 2013: (Actually published on October 8,  2013)

Wild Planet:  Celebrating wildlife photographer of the year
Natural History Museum 
(Cromwell Road,  London SW7 5BD,  U.K.),  2013.
143 pages,  paperback.  $23.95.

Anthologizing 80 winning entries from the Natural History Museum’s “Wildlife Photographer of the Year” competition,  Wild Planet is a celebration of wildlife indeed.   Read more

Newly found ferret badger rabies strain raises concern about dogs

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  September 2013: (Actually published on October 8,  2013)

Taipei,  Taiwan––A new rabies strain identified in Taiwanese ferret badgers may have the potential to exponentially increase the risk of rabies transmission by dogs.  But even if the new rabies strain does not behave in dogs as it does among ferret badgers,  it has ignited unprecedented public controversy in Taiwan over the value of animal testing. Read more

BOOKS: The State of Canada’s Birds 2012

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  September 2013: (Actually published on October 8,  2013)

By the North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI-Canada),  under the leadership of Environment Canada,  Bird Studies Canada, Ducks Unlimited Canada,  Nature Canada,  the Nature Conservancy of Canada and Wildlife Habitat Canada |  Free download:  www.stateofcanadasbirds.org and   Avian Conservation & Ecology 8(2).   Free download:  www.ace-eco.org/vol8/iss2/art1

Alleged an October 1,  2013 media release from the American Bird Conservancy,  “A new study from the government of Canada that looked at more than 25 human-caused sources of bird mortality has found that domestic cats, both feral and owned,  are the leading lethal threat to birds in the country.” Read more

How a Ruppell’s fox from Kuwait landed in New Jersey

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July-August 2013:

FORKED RIVER,  New Jersey––Cleopatra,  a three-legged Ruppell’s fox who survived a dog attack in the Kuwait desert, arrived on June 3,  2013 at the Popcorn Park Zoo,  operated since 1977 by the Associated Humane Societies of New Jersey as a care-for-life sanctuary for wild animals who have become habituated to humans. Read more

Publications: The Endangered Species Act & “Sound Science”

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July-August 2013:

The Endangered Species Act & “Sound Science” by M. Lynne Corn,  Kristina Alexander,  & Eugene Buck Congressional Research Service,  2013.  Free download from <www.crs.gov>

This 30-page document summarizes controversies over alleged “junk science” used in determining the endangered species status of Canada lynx,  hatchery-raised salmon,  Stellar sea lions,  gray wolves in the eastern states,  and endangered species issues pertaining to climate change.   Read more

Impressions of Wolf Haven, The Elephant Sanctuary, & Tiger Haven

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July-August 2013: 

HOHENWALD,  KINGSTON,  Tennessee;  TENINO,  Washington––The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee,  Tiger Haven,  and Wolf Haven International have in common housing several of the most difficult species to keep safely in captivity,  controversial histories before achieving current stability,  and high public profiles.  Read more

Promising tests––but no immediate hope for female nonsurgical sterilants

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July-August 2013:

PORTLAND,  Oregon––“I think we will get a single-injection contraceptive product for dogs and cats,  but when,  and at what cost?” rhetorically asked Linda Rhodes,  DVM from the plenary podium at the June 20-23,  2013 Alliance for Contraception in Cats & Dogs conference in Portland,  Oregon. 

That was what most of the audience of about 150 researchers,  animal advocates,  and news media had come to find out.   Read more

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