Editorial feature: Successful neuter/return must recognize reality

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  September 2013: (Actually published on October 8,  2013)

By Kim Bartlett and Merritt Clifton

 Playing at Parcul Tei in central Bucharest,  Romania,  four-year-old Ionut Anghel and his six-year-old brother on September 2,  2013 wandered briefly out of sight of their grandmother,  through a hole in the park fence,  into a large vacant lot that offered dirt piles to climb and access to the marshy edge of the Danube river.  They might have mistaken for friendly the six dogs who rose to attack them.  The six-year-old, though injured,  escaped to tell his grandmother that Ionut Anghel was dead.  Rushing to the scene,  the grandmother and other Parcul Tei visitors found the dogs already devouring the remains.

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Mission Rabies vaccinates 60,000 dogs in 10 Indian cities in 30 days

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  September 2013: (Actually published on October 8,  2013)

NILGIRIS,  Tamil Nadu,  India––Vaccinating 60,000 dogs in 30 days at 10 rabies hot spots around India,  Mission Rabies exceeded its preliminary target by 10,000 and kept right on rolling. Mission Rabies “will continue for three years,  with a goal of vaccinating two million Indian dogs,”  said Worldwide Veterinary Services founder Luke Gamble,  who set for himself the goal of eradicating rabies in India while visiting Nilgiris as the star of a veterinary television show in 2009. Read more

Spay/USA founder Esther Mechler critiques the California Sheltering.org “white paper”

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  September 2013: (Actually published on October 8,  2013)

We are extremely concerned about the implications of the recently published California Sheltering.org “white paper” formally titled Charting a Path Forward: Achieving California’s policy to save all adoptable and treatable animals. The paper never even pays lip service to the prevention of unwanted litters. In addition,  shelters are encouraged to turn away even healthy,  friendly cats rather than run the risk of ever having to euthanize any.   Recommends the white paper on page 29:  “Best practice:  No healthy cat,  regardless of temperament, should be admitted by an animal shelter if the admission of that cat would cause the death of that cat or another cat in the shelter…This recommendation also applies to private humane organizations that take in animals.” Read more

Newly found ferret badger rabies strain raises concern about dogs

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  September 2013: (Actually published on October 8,  2013)

Taipei,  Taiwan––A new rabies strain identified in Taiwanese ferret badgers may have the potential to exponentially increase the risk of rabies transmission by dogs.  But even if the new rabies strain does not behave in dogs as it does among ferret badgers,  it has ignited unprecedented public controversy in Taiwan over the value of animal testing. Read more

BOOKS: The State of Canada’s Birds 2012

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  September 2013: (Actually published on October 8,  2013)

By the North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI-Canada),  under the leadership of Environment Canada,  Bird Studies Canada, Ducks Unlimited Canada,  Nature Canada,  the Nature Conservancy of Canada and Wildlife Habitat Canada |  Free download:  www.stateofcanadasbirds.org and   Avian Conservation & Ecology 8(2).   Free download:  www.ace-eco.org/vol8/iss2/art1

Alleged an October 1,  2013 media release from the American Bird Conservancy,  “A new study from the government of Canada that looked at more than 25 human-caused sources of bird mortality has found that domestic cats, both feral and owned,  are the leading lethal threat to birds in the country.” Read more

SPECIAL: The dog care field manual

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July-August 2013:

The Dog Care Field Manual: How to care for mangy run-down dogs in 2nd and 3rd world countries  (and in developed countries,  too) by Harrell Graham 46-page free download by clicking HERE

The Dog Care Field Manual,  by Harrell Graham,  covers wound treatment;  treatment of both internal parasites such as worms and external parasites such as mange;  emergency response to poisoning;  and avoidance of rabies.  Each topic is reviewed in depth and detail,  recommending crisis care that almost anyone can give when the nearest veterinarian is many miles and hours away.   Read more

Dogs most often listed for sale or adoption

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July-August 2013:

Dogs most often listed for sale or adoption                              2010  2011  2012  2013  Avg.  Ppltn.

Large retrievers       8.7%  5.2%  8.2%  8.2%  7.6%  5.3 m.

Pit bull class           4.1%  3.3%  4.6%  6.0%  4.5%  3.2 m.

Small terriers          2.2%  2.1%  2.1%  5.2%  2.9%  2.0 m.

Collie class              1.3%  2.2%  3.4%  4.1%  2.8%  2.0 m.

Poodles                   1.4%  2.0%  2.8%  2.8%  2.3%  1.6 m.

Setter class              1.0%  2.3%  2.3%  3.6%  2.3%  1.6 m.

German shepherds     1.7%  1.4%  2.3%  2.1%  1.8%  1.3 m.

Spaniels                   1.2%  2.0%  2.0%  2.0%  1.8%  1.3 m.

Beagles                    1.2%  1.2%  2.3%  2.0%  1.7%  1.2 m.

Chihuahuas               2.4%  0.7%  0.4%  2.6%  1.5%  1.0 m.

Promising tests––but no immediate hope for female nonsurgical sterilants

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July-August 2013:

PORTLAND,  Oregon––“I think we will get a single-injection contraceptive product for dogs and cats,  but when,  and at what cost?” rhetorically asked Linda Rhodes,  DVM from the plenary podium at the June 20-23,  2013 Alliance for Contraception in Cats & Dogs conference in Portland,  Oregon. 

That was what most of the audience of about 150 researchers,  animal advocates,  and news media had come to find out.   Read more

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