Biomedical research
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 1994:
A 13-member panel appointed
by the National Research Council’s
Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources
is presently revising the NRC Guide for the
Care and Use of Laborary Animals – – the
standard reference upon which Animal
Welfare Act regulations tend to be based.
The revision is expected to profoundly influ-
ence the shape of forthcoming new regula-
tions on the housing and care of dogs and
nonhuman primates, which have been the
subject of intense lobbying and repeated
court battles ever since an amendment to the
AWA mandating improved dog and primate
care was passed by Congress sans enforce-
ment regulations in 1985. If the NRC stan-
dards are stricter than those mandated by the
AWA regulations, those of the NRC will
nonetheless prevail in any research funded
by the National Institutes of Health. “The
current committee represents only scientists
and academicians, and includes no represen-
tation from the animal protection movement
nor from the public,” objects F. Barbara
Orlans, Ph.D., who as author of In The
Name of Science: Issues in Animal
Experimentation, is both a prominent
researcher and a leading humane advocate.