Fundraising & the Kabul Zoo

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, April 2002:

As anticipated, the March 2002 ANIMAL PEOPLE investigative
feature “Plight of Kabul Zoo brings dubious fundraising claims”
brought prompt response from Brian Werner, founder of Tiger Missing
Link and cofounder of Great Cats In Crisis, and Bruce Eberle, the
fundraiser who produced an appeal soliciting funds on behalf of Great
Cats In Crisis, purportedly to aid Marjan, the Kabul Zoo lion who
was already dead two weeks before the appeal reached any of the
ANIMAL PEOPLE readers who brought it to our attention.

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Plight of Kabul Zoo brings dubious fundraising claims

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2002:

ASHEBORO, N.C.–Few people ever decline easy money, but
North Carolina Zoo director Davy Jones did.
It was a matter of honoring the trust and faith of donors,
Jones told ANIMAL PEOPLE, and of recognizing that funds raised when
they are not needed may be funds taken away from other worthy
projects–especially if the fundraising effort immediately benefits
mainly the fundraising company.
This is why Jones is extremely annoyed with a consortium of
six small nonprofit organizations calling themselves Great Cats in
Crisis, in whose name at least two hyperbolic appeals have recently
been mailed on nominal behalf of the animals at the Kabul Zoo. The
appeals are grossly misleading, Jones told ANIMAL PEOPLE.
Helping the animals of the Kabul Zoo has been among Jones’
enduring interests since he visited the zoo himself about 10 years
ago, as then-director of the London Zoo in England. The Taliban
takeover of Afghanistan in 1996 cut off opportunities to assist, but
Jones did not forget.

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Safe Haven for Donkeys in the Holy Land wins Brooke aid

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, January/February 2006:

LONDON–The Brooke Hospital for Animals
on December 14 pledged to invest £281,000 over
the next three years to assist Safe Haven for
Donkeys in the Holy Land.
Founded in 2000 by former British Airways
flight attendant and Jerusalem SPCA volunteer
Lucy Fensom, Safe Haven has about 90 donkeys
rescued from Israel and Palestine in sanctuary
care, and in August 2005 added a clinic site at
the village of Tayibe, near the Palestinian
border, which provides basic care to donkeys
from either side.
Safe Haven won start-up help from the
World Society for the Protection of Animals, but
had struggled ever since, fundraising manager
Wendy Ahl told ANIMAL PEOPLE.
Contact: Safe Haven for Donkeys in the
Holy Land, Unit F1, Ote Hall Farm Business
Centre, Janes Lane, Burgess Hill, R H15 0SR,
U.K.; phone: 01444 870890;

Editorial: Humane nation-building

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, January/February 2002:

Flying into Afghanistan on January 13, World Society for the
Protection of Animals international projects director John Walsh
drove straight to the Kabul Zoo with two colleagues and several
suitcases of veterinary supplies.
Few if any humane workers have helped more animals in more
places, under more dramatic circumstances, than John Walsh. A
former field officer for the Massachusetts SPCA, Walsh transferred
to the International Society for Animal Protection when it was spun
off as a subsidiary in 1964, and was soon literally immersed in
helping to carry an estimated 10,000 animals to safety from the
floodwaters behind a new dam in Surinam.

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Less hunting in Iran, more in Pakistan

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, January/February 2002:

TEHRAN, KARACHI–The war in Afghanistan cut hunting pressure
on Iranian wildlife this winter, especially migratory birds, who
have been increasingly heavily targeted since 1997 by French and
Italian visitors–but the war has also contributed to expansions of
hunting in the Sindh district of southeastern Pakistan.
“Between 50% and 60% of the hunters” who were booked to shoot
birds in Iran during the winter of 2001-2002 “cancelled their tours
after Sepetember 11,” Iran Safari vice president Ali Jafari admitted
recently to the Agence France-Presse. Each cancellation cost Iran
about $4,000.

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Muslim world

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, January/February 2002:

Fears are growing that the combined effects of a multi-year
drought and the war in Afghanistan have severely hurt migratory
birds. None at all came to Rawal Lake, near Islamabad, Pakistan,
wildlife expert Masaud Anwar told BBC reporter Jill McGivering. The
lake usually hosts tens of thousands. World Wildlife Fund
representative Asheik Ahmed Khan said hunters told him that cranes
were seen in flights of no more than three, down from the usual
50-plus. Just 1,500 storks, cranes, egrets, herons, and
cormorants reached the Banganatittu Bird Sanctuary near Mysore,
India, wrote Shankar Bennur of the Deccan Herald, while duck
migrations from Siberia to Jammu-and-Kashmir, in northern India,
were down 90%, said Gharana Wetland wildlife warden Tahir Shawal.

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Kabul Zoo relief; aid for Afghan cats, dogs, equines; bulletins from the front

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, December 2001:

KABUL–The American Zoo Association, European Association of Zoos and Aquaria, and World Association of Zoos and Aquaria in late November set out to raise $30,000 in relief aid for the Kabul Zoo. By December 20 they had raised $202,000, and were asking callers to help the Afghan Animal Fund instead, a separate account set up to help Afghan cats, dogs, donkeys, and horses. The Afghan Animal Fund had collected $28,536 through December 17. Both funds are directed by Davy Jones, 57, president of both the North Carolina Zoo and the board of the London-based Brooke Hospital for Animals.

Since October the Brooke has had as many as 300 workers helping the equines of Afghan refugees in and around the camps in Peshawar and Quetta, Pakistan. The Brooke, the only western animal protection charity to maintain a close presence during the Taliban years, rehearsed in July 2001 by rescuing about 60 racehorses who were left to starve at the Karachi Race Club after the track closed temporarily due to a dispute with the Pakistani government over licensing fees. Another 70 horses died before the Brooke learned of their plight. The track reopened on July 31.

The British Royal Air Force is to fly a three-member team to Kabul in January 2002 to spend eight to ten days at the zoo, treating sick and injured animals and developing a plan to put the facilities in order. Included will be former Kabul University dean of science Ehsan Arghandewal, who fled to Germany after the Taliban came to power; former Kabul Zoo head keeper Taufik, now working at the Koln Zoo in Koln, Germany; and wildlife veterinarian John Lewis.

“Renovating the zoo and giving the staff the ability to buy food, equipment, building materials, power, and water can make the Kabul Zoo a key area for recovery of the whole city,” Jones said, emphasizing the role the zoo has in Afghanistan as a national symbol.

Built in 1967 by Kabul University, the 100-acre zoo was then considered the best in Central Asia, with 417 animals and annual attendance of 150,000 by 1972. From 1992 until 1996, however, it was caught in fighting among mujadin and Communists, warring mujadin factions, and mujadin and the Taliban. Many of the animals were eaten by the fighters. Then bandits in 1997 killed longtime keeper Agha Akhbar. The collection was down to about 40 wild animals and 60
animals of domestic species by the time the Taliban surrendered Kabul to the Northern Alliance.

Even before much outside aid arrived, the Kabul Zoo lions, wolves, and bears received a December 10 feast, through the misfortune of two oxen who escaped from an open-air meat market and rampaged through the remnants of the embassy district before a militia member shot them both dead. Afghan law requires one handler per ox, but the owner
reportedly escaped a fine by donating the carcasses to the zoo. The oxen were considered unfit for human consumption because they were not killed by hallal procedure.

Kenya link?
Kenya Wildlife Service chief Nehemiah Rotich, who staunchly opposed radio-collaring rhinos because it enables poachers to find them, was suspended in mid-November by Kenyan president Daniel arap Moi. “There were press reports linking his suspension to differences with prominent personalities with interests in the posh KWS-owned
Rangers Restaurant at the KWS headquarters in Nairobi, which is leased to Garian Investments Ltd. of South Africa,” reported John Mbaria of the East African. Regardless of why Rotich was ousted, four black rhinos were soon afterward poached in Tsavo East National Park, the first rhinos poached in Kenya since 1993. KWS rhino program coordinator Martin Mulama told Christian Science Monitor staff writer Dana Harman that he suspected Somali involvement, possibly stimulated by the need of Al Qaida to build its finances after taking heavy hits during the U.S. war on terrorism. Somali militias with ties to Yemen have reputedly done most of the ivory and rhino horn poaching in Kenya since circa 1970.
Al Qaida cowboy

Australian rodeo rider David Hicks, 26, of the Adelaide suburb of Salisbury, was among the Al Qaida soldiers captured
fighting alongside the Taliban in Afghan-istan, Australian attorney general Daryl Williams disclosed on December 12. Hicks was reportedly taken into custody by Northern Alliance troops several days earlier. Hicks apparently left the Australian rodeo circuit in November 1999 to train for combat in Pakistan with Lashkar-e-Taiba, a guerilla faction seeking to take Kash-mir from India and unite it with Pakistan. Lashkar-e-Taiba is one of the two factions linked by
India to the December 12 attack on the Indian parliament that left nine Indian citizens and all five attackers dead. After fighting against India in Kashmir, Hicks fought with Al Qaida in Kosovo under the name Muhammad Dawood. He reportedly told his father about two weeks after September 11 that he had gone to Afghanistan to help the Taliban defend Kabul.

Azerbaijan Society for the Protection of Animals president Azar Garayev announced on January 1 that the parliament of the Azerbaijan Republic has agreed to consider ratifying the European Union Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals in 2002, and that the mayor of the capital city of Baku has agreed to work with the Azerbaijan SPA to start an animal shelter. Azerbaijan, a former Soviet state, is located between Iran and Turkey.
Frontier Gandhi

ANIMAL PEOPLE is seeking information about the animal-and-diet-related teachings of the late Pashtun leader Abdul
Ghaffar Khan, 1890-1988, called “the frontier Ghandi” for his dedication to nonviolence and forgiveness. Allied with Mohandas Gandhi, 1930-1947, Ghaffar Khan led the Muslim wing of Gandhi’s Congress Party, seeking a secular subcontinental nation uniting Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. He later sought autonomy for Peshwar.
The “link”

A jury in Santa Ana, California, on December 20 recommended the death penalty for one-armed butcher John Samuel Ghobrial, 31, convicted nine days earlier of raping and killing Juan Delgado, 12, in 1998, in a classic case of violence toward animals preceding violence toward humans. Ghobrial hacked Delgado apart with a meat cleaver and buried the remains in cement. Ghobrial won repeated trial delays after September 11 as defense attorney Denise Gragg contended his ethnicity would preclude a fair trial. Gobrial, a Coptic Christian from Egypt, won religious asylum in 1996 after telling the Immigration and Naturalization Service he lost his arm when a mob pushed him under a train. He turned out to have fled Egypt after he was arrested on suspicion of molesting his seven-year-old cousin and stabbing him with a penknife. Ampu-tation of the arm may have been a penalty under the Islamic fundamentalist penal code of sharia for previous conduct of a similar nature.

Animals and the Afghanistan war

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, November 2001:


Afghanistan–Ornithologists at the renowned bird sanctuaries of India
are anxiously monitoring the skies and marshes to see how U.S.
bombing in Afghanistan has affected the annual migrations from
Siberia and the Himalayas.
By January 2002, they expect to know. For now, most are
optimistic, after fearing the worst when the bombing started.
“While demoiselle cranes have already started arriving in
droves, pelicans and geese are conspicuous by their absence,” said
the Times of India on December 3. “Pintails, widgeons, and
poachards are expected to fly into Bharatpur at any time.”
In all, more than 200,000 birds of 167 species reached India
almost on schedule. “However, night geese and ducks, who cross the
Hindukush range, seem to have been put off by the heavy firing over
Afghanistan,” said ecologist Pushpindar Singh.

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Animals in Afghanistan–and getting out

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, October 2001:

PESHAWAR, Pakistan–“Fleeing families now number in the
millions and the number of horses needing our help grows every day,”
Brooke Hospital for Animals field staff in Pakistan said in
The London-based charity said it had fielded “six mobile
teams and three clinics in Peshawar, treating more than 150 horses
of Afghan refugees a day” since March 2001, and far more after
September 11, when “the situation became even more desperate” as
refugees trying to escape U.S. bombing joined those fleeing the

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