From ANIMAL PEOPLE, April 1994:
The Clinton administration on
February 23 unveiled a management plan
for 24 million acres of public land in the
Pacific Northwest that cuts the rate of log-
ging to 20% of the pace in the 1980s. Most
of the 5.3 million acres of old growth on the
public lands will be off limits, to protect
spotted owls and more than 1,000 other old
growth-dependent species. Although the
plan will make permanent the layoffs of
about 9,500 forest products workers, it is
expected to be what The New York Times
called “the final blueprint” for settling the
spotted owl crisis. Studies of the impact of
logging on spotted owls go on; critics of owl
protection may enjoy the March 13 disclo-
sure that the Seattle Center for Wildlife
Conservation is getting $107,000 from the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to check spot-
ted owl guano from logging areas for hor-
monal signs of stress.