Wake-up call on behalf of wolves
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 1994:
NEW YORK, New York––The wolves massacred in Alaska last
winter are dead but not forgotten––and neither are those slated for death next
winter, as Alaska continues to kill wolves to make moose and caribou more
plentiful for hunters. To be sure the wolves are remembered, pajama-clad
Friends of Animals volunteers and staffers occupied the lobby of the ABC-
TV headquarters on the morning of May 19 during the broadcast of the
Good Morning America show, protesting a week-long promotion of
Alaskan tourism. Six demonstrators were arrested for trespassing.
ABC had already scheduled a 30-minute segment on the wolf
killing, featuring a debate between Stephen Wells of the Alaska Wildlife
Alliance and a spokesperson for the state of Alaska––but it aired after the
promotion of Alaska was over with and most of the resultant travel bookings,
FoA believed, would already have been made.
Preparing for further conflict, the Alaska House of Representatives
on April 28 passed a bill to enable the state Department of Fish and Game to
withhold data about wolf pack locations––purportedly to protect wolves
from poachers, but actually directed, newspaper editorials agreed, at inde-
pendent wolf expert Gordon Haber, who sued to obtain such information
last year, then embarrased officials with aerial surveys that showed many of
their claims about wolf, moose, and caribou numbers were inaccurate.