Editorial feature: Horse doctoring & the ethical evolution of veterinarians

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  April 2013:

By Merritt Clifton & Kim Bartlett

The American Veterinary Medical Association,  150 years old this year,  has from the beginning pitched a broad tent.  The AVMA is at once a trade association representing the economic concerns of veterinarians;  a professional body setting veterinary standards;  an umbrella for ongoing efforts to advance veterinary science;  a provider of continuing professional education to vets;  a disaster relief agency;  a provider of public education about animal issues;  and an entity which seeks to influence public policy. Read more

Record seizures of dogs from meat traffic in China and Thailand stretch rescue capacity

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  April 2013:

BEIJING,  BANGKOK––Stopping a truck hauling 250 dogs to slaughterhouses in Maoming,  Guangdong on April 7,  2013,  Kunming Yixin Stray Animal Shelter volunteers  had kept the truck surrounded at An Ning, in Kunming,  for 48 hours as the April 2013 edition of ANIMAL PEOPLE   went to press,  despite acts of attempted physical intimidation by the truckers and reinforcements called by the truckers.   Read more

New farm animal welfare standards

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  April 2013:

Humane Farm Animal Care revised standards for raising cattle have since January 15,  2012 required farmers to use analgesia for pain control when conducting procedures such as castration.  “HFAC is the only national animal welfare organization to make pain control a key component of farm animal welfare certification standards.  We have been working to educate farmers and ranchers on how to implement the new standards,”  said HFAC founder Adele Douglass. Read more

Euro scandal shows the big money in horsemeat is in labeling it “beef”

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2013:


PARIS––At least 28 companies in 13 European nations plus
Hong Kong have been involved in marketing horsemeat as beef, French
government investigators assessed in mid-February 2013, predicting that
more alleged perpetrators would be exposed by ongoing investigations.
Entrepreneurs seeking to resume horse slaughter in the U.S. have
argued that they would market to an upscale clientele in nations
including Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland, and Japan, who would
demand that horses were transported and killed humanely. But the
horsemeat-as-beef scandal has revealed just the opposite: by far the
greater portion of the European horsemeat trade involves the lowest
priced meat products, in which the ingredients are most easily
disguised, and about which consumers and regulators tend to ask the
fewest questions.

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Farm animal cruelty convictions lead to “ag-gag” laws rather than reform

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  March 2013:

Farm animal cruelty convictions lead to “ag-gag” laws rather than reform

RALEIGH,  N.C.,  BOISE,  Idaho––Former Butterball employees Terry Johnson and Billy McBride were on February 24,   2013 convicted of abusing turkeys at a farm  in Shannon,  North Carolina,  in 2011.

 “Johnson and McBride join Butterball workers Brian Douglas and Ruben Mendoza,  who were convicted in 2012 of criminal cruelty to animals arising out of the same investigation,”  said Mercy for Animals founder Nathan Runkle.  Mercy for Animals conducted the undercover video investigation that led to the charges. Read more

The most overlooked victory for animals of 2012

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, November/December 2012:

Dear Animal People,
The year 2012 has, like most years, brought the animal
movement gains on some fronts and losses on others.
Very noticeably, it brought more than the usual amount of
controversy among animal defenders over a proposed piece of federal
legislation which would attempt to regulate the caging of egg-laying
hens. Those in favor of the legislation made a good case for the
bill, and those against had rational reasons to oppose it becoming
law. But along with the facts came a great deal of confusion and
misinformation about what the bill would do and, most unfortunately,
there was impugning of motives on both sides.

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BOOKS: Food Security & Farm Animal Welfare

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  November/December 2012:

Food Security & Farm Animal Welfare  by Sofia Parente [WSPA] and Heleen van de Weerd [CIWF] Free 20-page download from wspa-international.org/farming or ciwf.org/foodsecurity  Based on The Impact of Industrial Grain Fed Livestock Production on Food Security:  an extended literature review .. by Karl-Heinz Erb,   Andreas Mayer,   Thomas Kastner,  Kristine-Elena Sallet,   and Helmut Haberl,  Institute of Social Ecology,  Vienna

Free 90-page download from:  http://www.uni-klu.ac.at/socec/inhalt/1818.htm

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Thousands of dogs seized from Thai meat traffickers have no safe place to go

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  November/December 2012:

NAKHON PHANOM,  Thailand— Police Colonel Sakchai Sadmarerng, chief of Ban Phaeng station in Nakhon Phanom province,  Thailand,  on November 7,  2012 described to media the seizure of yet another truckload of dogs from smugglers hauling them to Laos across the Mekong River.  From Laos,  most would have been trafficked on to markets in Vietnam and southern China. Read more

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