From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 1994:
“Often dogs show signs of lead intoxication
before children, and the signs in humans are more subtle
than in dogs,” University of Missouri veterinary toxicologist
Stan Casteel advises. Canine symptoms include prolonged
diarhea, vomiting, and stomach upset.
Fort Dodge Laboratories, a division of
American Home Products, has introduced the first vac-
cine for treating and preventing ringworm in cats. T h e
vaccine replaces traditional oral and topical treatments.
Michigan State University professor of veteri-
nary medicine Sally Walshaw, 49, on May 1 became the
ninth annual winner of the Leo K. Bustad Companion
Animal Veterinarian Award––and the first female recipient.
Walshaw teaches laboratory techniques. Said Richard
Walshaw, her husband and a fellow member of the MSU
veterinary teaching staff, “Before Sally, few people really
ever bothered understanding laboratory animals’ feelings,
and they indeed have a lot of feelings.”