BOOKS: The Adopted Dog Bible
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, April 2009:
The Adopted Dog Bible by
Harper Collins (10 East 53rd St., New York, NY 10022), 2009. 512
pages, paperback. $22.99.
“Choosing a dog is much too important a task to be conducted
in haste,” says The Adopted Dog Bible, from–exactly
the message that the humane community has tried to teach potential
dog adopters since dog adoptions began. Assembled by
vice president of shelter outreach and public relations Kim Saunders,
The Adopted Dog Bible includes valuable contributions and helpful
hints from experts including Amy Shojai, Susan McCullough, Liz
Palika, Sue Sternberg, and Lila Miller, DVM, among others.
Adoption is a great option says The Adopted Dog Bible,
guiding readers through finding a shelter or rescue near their home,
and explaining what adoption entails.