Woofs and growls…
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 1993:
Fed up with nonprofit executives who hide the size of
their salaries by dividing them among related groups who file sepa-
rate returns, the Internal Revenue Service asks on the 1992 Form
990, “Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee receive
aggregate compensation of more than $100,000 from your organiza-
tion and all related organizations, of which more than $10,000 was
provided by the related organization?” If the answer is yes, detailed
explanations are required.
The Senate Select Committee on Prisoners of War and
Missing In Action Affairs has recommended that the IRS should
crack down on charities who report fundraising costs as “educational”
program expenses. This would affect many animal-related charities;
see the notes accompanying the financial tables on over 60 national
groups published in the December 1992 and January/February issues
of ANIMAL PEOPLE. (Copies are still available at $2.00 each.)