From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 1994:
Hope rose for the endangered
Florida panther in late May when volunteers
from the Coryi Foundation discovered a car-
cass, a single pawprint, and clumps of fur on
the grill of a car that struck an unknown animal
in the St. Johns and Kissimmee River water-
sheds––far outside the Big Cypress Swamp
area of Lake Okeechobee, which was previ-
ously the panther’s only known habitat.
A coalition of U.S. environmental
groups has petitioned the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service to add koalas to the endan-
gered species list. The koala population of
eastern Australia has fallen lately due to habi-
tat loss, caused by the combination of devel-
opment, logging, wildfires, and drought.