Japan still killing whales, but moratorium holds

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, July/August 1995:

SEOUL––Japan is still killing minke, sei,
Bryde’s and sperm whales in the name of research,
and will kill humpbacks this year as well, with a total
self-set “scientific” quota for the year of 935.
Norway continues killing minke whales in
coastal waters, and Iceland has resumed whaling, but
all still without world approval, as the 57th annual
meeting of the International Whaling Commission ended
in Ulsan, South Korea on June 24 with no major suc-
cesses for the pro-whaling faction.
“We entered the week with a strong fear that
the balance of power within the IWC would shift to a
pro-whaling majority,” summarized Whalewatch
Coalition leader Philip Lymbery. His delegation repre-
sented the Royal SPCA, Earth Island Institute, Whale
& Dolphin Conservation Society, Whale Watch, and
Humane Society International.
“Six new pro-whaling nations joined the IWC
this year,” Lymbery continued, “countered by just
three new anti-whalers. Anti-whalers held the majority
largely due to tactical lobbying and absentees,” and
India caught up on back dues and sent a delegation just
in time for the most critical ballots.

A Japanese motion to end the global moratori-
um on commercial whaling was voted down 29-23.
“Japan’s ongoing scientific whaling program
was condemned by an Australian resolution, 30-27,”
Lymbery added. “Welfare was recognized as an impor-
tant issue, demonstrated by a consensus agreement to
hold a workshop on the welfare implications of whaling
at next year’s IWC meeting. The cruelty of whaling was
raised many times from the floor. Undercover video of
a Norwegian hunt made a particular impact.
“On the final day,” Limbery finished, “a hos-
tile resolution originally proposed by Sweden, that could
have threatened the moratorium and led to more whales
being killed, was voted down by an overwhelming
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