Strange bedfellows

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, January/February 1999:

The Wisconsin Stewardship
Network, representing hunters and fishers,
the Sierra Club, and the Wisconsin Wildlife
Federation, a chapter of the pro-hunting
National Wildlife Federation, on Christmas
Eve 1998 issued statements recommending a
state moratorium on factory farms––in direct
opposition to the Wisconsin Farm Bureau
Federation, a frequent ally on animal welfare
issues. Stream pollution affecting fishing
is the hook-and-bullet worry this time.
The Nature Conservancy, which
refuses to accept land gifts coming with antihunting,
anti-fishing, and/or anti-trapping
easements, and frequently sponsors massacres
of non-native wildlife on acquired
property, has come under local political fire
in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey for posting
a 531-acre tract against hunting.

The Committee to Abolish Sport
Hunting aka Wildlife Watch in early
December picketed the M i d d l e t o w n
Humane Society in Fair Oaks, New York,
after Middletown Humane president D o n n a
Friedrich posed for a newspaper photo with
the carcass of a bear she shot on November
21 and boasted of having killed more than 25
deer in 28 years of hunting. “Friedrich
betrayed her office,” said CASH/WW president
Anne Muller. “It’s like finding out that
the president of a child abuse center is abusing
children; it’s that serious. The head of a
shelter should be humane to animals.”
Colorado state legislator Wayne
J o h n s o n in late December told the Billings
Gazette that he will soon introduce a bill to
legalize para-mutual betting on turtle races as
a fundraiser for charity. He got the idea, he
said, from a turtle race held annually in
Cheyenne to raise funds for the local animal

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