From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 2000:
The Ohio Division of Wildlife has lifted a three-year-old rule limiting access to the Milan Wildlife Area to hunters, fishers, and trappers. “The Division of Wildlife closed the woods to discourage sexual activity by people, mostly homosexuals, who took the wildlife area’s Lover’s Lane address literally,” wrote Cleveland Plain Dealer reporter Michael Sangiacomo.
British hunting writer G e o f f r e y Allen, 45, of Worcestershire, was imprisoned for four years in February on charges of buggery, indecent assault, and gross indecency against two 13-year-old boys, according to H o w l , the magazine of the Britishbased Hunt Saboteurs Association.
H o w l also reports that, “Tory finance spokesman Glyn Davies,” a defender of fox hunting, “was stopped by police driving a load of sheep,” wearing only boots, undershorts, and a jacket. “Refusing the stereotype of Welsh farmer + Tory politician = sheepshagger,” H o w l c o n t i n u e d , “Mr. Davies explained he had fallen in manure, so had to take his clothes off.”