Hong Kong dog dumping study
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 2006:
HONG KONG–A survey of pet abandonment published in August
2006 by My Pet magazine of Hong Kong found that among 303 people who
admitted dumping pet dogs, 63.4% did so after the Housing Authority
or private landlords enforced “no pets” rules. The only other major
reason for abandonment was disliking the animal.
More than half of the people who dumped dogs dumped more than
one, My Pet learned. About 20% replaced an abandoned dog, only to
abandon that dog too.
The Agriculture, Fisheries, & Conservation Department,
responsible for animal control in Hong Kong, impounded 13,100 dogs
in 2005, killing 11,900 who were neither claimed nor adopted within
four days. With almost the same human population as New York City,
Hong Kong had an almost identical rate of shelter dog killing.