Anti-fur “hit” plot suspect released

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  April 2013:

CLEVELAND––U.S. District Judge Patricia Gaughan in February 2013 released Meredith Marie Lowell, 28,  after a year-long mental evaluation at the Federal Medical Center Carswell in Fort Worth, Texas,  the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported on March 4.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation took Lowell into custody on February 21,  2012,  following a four-month  investigation of Facebook solicitations in which Lowell allegedly solicited the murder of “someone who is wearing fur.”Gaughan freed Lowell,  the Plain Dealer said,  “based on a psychological report that found her mentally incompetent to stand trial and not capable of being rehabilitated to competency.  Gaughan also ruled that Lowell’s mental illness prohibits her from possessing firearms,  and she ordered Lowell’s family to dispose of handguns,  shotguns and rifles that were in the home the day she was arrested.” As reported in detail in the April 2012 edition of ANIMAL PEOPLE,  Lowell had conducted an extensive yet one-sided e-mail correspondence with several organizations,  even outlining her scheme to solicit murder,  but most of her messages were sent to automated addresses used to distribute campaign materials,  and were only discovered by the intended recipients many months later,  after ANIMAL PEOPLE asked them to search their spam filters and e-mail logs.

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