People & deeds

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 2000:

Maddie’s Fund president
Richard Avanzino on July
22 was named the 13th winner of
the American Veterinary
Medical Association’s Humane
Award. Avanzino took the
opportunity to praise the 880 vets
participating in the Maddie ’ s
Fund/California Veterinary
Medical Association Feral Cat
Altering Program, who fixed
30,000 cats in the first year of the
three-year project.
Early-age neutering
pioneer Leo Lieberman, DVM,
received the Spay/USA Lifetime
Achievement Award on July 7.

Fifth grade teacher
Christine Barron-Wirt of the
Silver Spring Elementary School
in Mechanicsburg, Pa., has
received the $10,000 P e n n s y l –
vania SPCA Humane Educator
of the Year 2000 award.
S a n c t u a r y m a g a z i n e ,
of Mumbai, India, and the ABN
Amro Bank on June 17 honored
J.C. Daniel of the B o m b a y
Natural History Society, West
Bengal Wildlife Wing r e h a b i l itator
Subrata Pal Chowdhury,
Goa Forest Dept. wildlife director
C. Achalender Reddy,
Wildlife Institute of India turtle
researcher Bivash Pandav, and
Rantham-bore Tiger Reserve
deputy field director G.V. Reddy
for their work to save wildlife.
Rick Barongi, 48,
founding director of animal programs
for Disney’s Wild
Animal Kingdom in Orlando,
Florida, his post since 1973,
will become general manager of
the Houston Zoo on August 14.
John Hanks h a s
resigned as executive director of
the Peace Parks Foundation, a
World Wildlife Fund project set
up to link reserves in South
Africa, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique.
His successor is said to be
Willem van Riet, also long
associated with WWF and Peace
Parks. Van Riet helped to create
the Pilanesberg Nature Reserve
(1978) and the Kruger-Banhine
Cross-Border Area (1991).
George Archibald,
54, has announced his retirement
effective November 1 as president/CEO
of the I n t e r n a t i o n a l
Crane Foundation. Archibald
and the late Ronald Suey founded
ICF in 1973. Archibald will
remain director of the W o r l d
Conservation Union’s Working
Group on Cranes.
Susan Paris, president
of Americans for Medical
P r o g r e s s 1991-1998, the proanimal
use front then funded by
U.S. Surgical Corp., has been
named vice president for university
relations at Boston U.

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