LETTERS re "Proposal for an Accord Between Animal Advocates and Biomedical Researchers"[May 2012]
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, May 2012:
Letters re “Proposal for an Accord Between Animal Advocates and Biomedical Researchers”
HSUS president: “We must work with our traditional adversaries.”
When I got involved with animal protection in the mid-1980s as an undergraduate college student, the use of animals in research, testing, and education was one of the hot topics in our cause. Peter Singer, in his enormously influential book Animal Liberation, put that issue along with factory farming at the top of the to-do list for the new generation of animal advocates. Readers recoiled as Singer described, in his well- researched manifesto, duplicative experiments, protocols involving the use of animals with no relevance to the human health circumstance, and animals enduring extreme pain and distress as routine and normal practices in the laboratory setting. Read more