Zimbabwean courts hand long sentences to poachers, but condemn a ranger to hang

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  September 2013: (Actually published on October 8,  2013)

 HARARE––Sentencing three convicted elephant poachers to long prison terms and a game ranger to hang for shooting an alleged poacher, Zimbabwe courts appeared to send mixed messages about protecting elephants in late September 2013––but the facts leading to the death sentence may have been more nuanced than headlines that touched off a flurry of online petitions and activist alerts on behalf of ranger Maxwell Bowa,  53. Read more

Ivory speculation makes captive elephants in Thailand & India worth more dead than alive

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  September 2013: (Actually published on October 8,  2013)

BANGKOK,  Thailand;  THIRUVANATHAPURAM,  India––Unscrupulous owners of working elephants are increasingly often deciding that the rising cost of elephant care and soaring prices paid by speculators for ivory mean their elephants are worth more dead than alive––and are resisting legislation to protect the elephants,  who have often been illegally captured from the wild. Read more

Hunters & ranchers push legal rhino horn traffic as response to poaching

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  May/June 2013:

MILWAUKEE,  LONDON,  JOHANNESBURG––As the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service sees it,  the critical issue in rhinoceros conservation is not rhinos are being killed in record numbers,  but rather,  who gets the money from killing them. Anyhow,  this was the reasoning that emerged from U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service explanations of why trophy hunter David K. Reinke,  52,  of Madison, Wisconsin,  was recently allowed to become the first American to legally import the remains of a black rhino since the species was federally listed as endangered in 1980. Read more

Wolf hunting expands even as delisting from federal protection is delayed

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  May/June 2013:

WASHINGTON D.C.––”A recent unexpected delay” has indefinitely postponed the anticipated removal of gray wolves in the Lower 48 states from U.S. endangered species list protection,  Associated Press reported on May 21,  2013,  citing only “a court filing” by “government attorneys.”   Read more

DOCUMENTS: Guns, Excise Taxes, & Wildlife Restoration

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  April 2013:

Guns,  Excise Taxes,  & Wildlife Restoration by M. Lynne Corn & Jane G. Gravelle Congressional Research Service Free download from <www.crs.gov>

“As result of the recent debate over guns,  gun rights,  and gun-related violence,  there has been a marked increase in sales of many weapons as well as ammunition,”  opens this succinct five-page resumé of the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Program.   Read more

SHARK asks Bucks County SPCA and Women’s Humane Society to stand up against Philadelphia Gun Club pigeon shoots––as WHS founder did

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  April 2013:

PHILADELPHIA––Five years into an ongoing campaign to stop pigeon shoots held at the Philadelphia Gun Club for at least 125 years,  Showing Animals Respect & Kindness founder Steve Hindi on March 26,  2013 made public his frustration with 101 years of inaction against the gun club by the Bucks County SPCA, founded in 1912,  and 97 years of inaction by the Women’s Humane Society,  following the 1916 death of founder Carolyn Earle White. Read more

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