BOOKS: Captive wildlife debate

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, April 1994:

Zoos and Animal Rights: The Ethics of
Keeping Animals, by Stephen St. C.
Bostock, Routledge (29 West 35th St., New York,
NY 10001), 1993. 227 pages, $15.95 paperback.
Orca: A Family Story, by Peter Hamilton,
Lifeforce (POB Box 825, North Hollywood, CA
91603), 1994. 40 pages, $17.99 paperback.
Stephen Bostock, education director for the
Glasgow Zoo, fervently believes most captive wild animals
are happy, healthy, and enjoying the best of all possible
worlds. Peter Hamilton, who has spent many years cham-
pioning unhappy, unhealthy captive wildlife, believes just
the opposite, citing as example the life of the orca Corky,
in an account fictionalized to provide a happy ending: her
release after 25 years to rejoin her pod. Both Bostock and
Hamilton support their positions with a wealth of factual
detail, but both become tedious in their onesidedness.
Hamilton is merely shrill; Bostock is at times absurd, as in
citing a painting as documentary evidence of the terror a
prey species suffers when attacked by a predator.


From ANIMAL PEOPLE, April 1994:

Wildlife and habitat

The U.S. Court of Appeals in
Washington D.C. on March 11 upset jurispru-
dence concerning endangered species protec-
tion by ruling in a case pertaining to timber rights
and spotted owl protection in the Pacific
Northwest that the government lacks authority to
protect wildlife habitat on private land. The U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service said that pending further
clarification of the ruling, perhaps by the U.S.
Supreme Court, it would make no policy changes.
The March 11 ruling directly contradicts the out-
standing precedent in such situations, established
by the Ninth U.S. Court of Appeals in San

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Zoo notes

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 1994:

Saved from bankruptcy two years
ago by public donations of $1.2 million and a
gift of $2.4 million from Kuwait, the London
Zoo in 1993 recorded a profit of nearly
$500,000––its first profit since 1976.
The Duke University Primate
Centeon January 31 achieved the first birth
in captivity of a golden crowned sifaka, a
highly endangered lemur.

Marine mammals

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 1994:

S. 1636, the present Marine
Mammal Protection Act reauthorization
bill, has cleared the Senate Commerce
Committee and at deadline was expected to be
passed any day by the full Senate, with House
ratification likely in April. The Humane
Society of the U.S. has asked members to
write Congress opposing S. 1636 because it
“has no provisions for effective enforcement,”
and “would allow the accidental killing of
endangered species (currently prohibited) and
the intentional shooting of seals and sea lions
solely to protect fish commercially caught or
raised.” HSUS seeks amendments that will
“ensure that marine mammal mortality in com-
mercial fishing operations reaches insignifi-
cant levels approaching zero, mandate specif-
ic punitive consequences if kill reduction goals
are not met on schedule, prohibit the capture
of wild whales or dolphins for public display,
prohibit swim-with-the-dolphin programs and
petting pools, prohibit public feeding of both
captive and wild marine mammals, prohibit
the issuance of permits to kill endangered
species in commercial fisheries,” and “prohib-
it the intentional killing of seals and sea lions
solely to protect fishing gear, catch, or net
pens.” The Animal Welfare Institute has
issued a similar appeal for action.

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From ANIMAL PEOPLE, Jan/Feb 1994:

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
announced December 20 that it has indefi-
nitely ended consideration of requests to
import giant pandas. The verdict came six
months after Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt
vetoed the San Diego Zoo’s attempt to import
two pandas in exchange for a grant of $1 mil-
lion to loosely monitored “panda conservation”
projects in China, which in the past have
included such activities as building a hydro-
electric dam.

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Sea life

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, Jan/Feb 1994:

Foiled when a crew from the Shedd Aquarium in
Chicago caught three Pacific whitesided dolphins on
November 27, protesters who hoped to disrupt the capture
effort instead spent the next month keeping the dolphins’ hold-
ing pen at the Kettenburg Marine wharf in San Diego under
around-the-clock surveillance. Steve Hindi of the Chicago
Animal Rights Coalition took video that he claimed shows dol-
phins swimming “in a bathtub ring of their own excrement,”
which a Shedd spokesperson claimed was salt added to the
water to simulate the chemistry of the ocean. The video also
showed “frenzied Shedd officials erecting a barrier to obscure
the traumatized dolphins from view,” Hindi said, and enabled
members of the Whale Rescue Team to identify “a steady
stream of visitors,” including Tim Hauser, who reputedly cap-
tures marine mammals for many aquariums, and a number of
Navy personnel, whose presence was unexplained. The Navy
has applied, however, to do underwater weapons testing in one
area where the dolphins might have been caught, the Outer-Sea
Test Range. Designated in 1946, the range lies seaward of the
Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. The proposed test-
ing will involve “incidental” deaths and injuries to any marine
mammals who happen to be near test explosions, and is
opposed by many of the same groups that opposed the dolphin
captures, as well as the usually conservative National Audubon
Society. As Christmas approached, the Shedd team was hold-
ing daily “desensitizing drills,” preparing the dolphins for trans-
port by raising and lowering them in a cargo sling.

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From ANIMAL PEOPLE, December 1993:

World Society for the Protection of
Animals field officer Neil Trent flew to Tbilsi
in the former Soviet republic of Georgia on
November 26 in an emergency effort to save
starving animals in the city zoo––among them
two tigers, several lions, a polar bear, a leop-
ard, a wolf pack, and 25 birds of two species
(down in recent months from 1,000 birds of 40
species). The animals have reportedly received
only a third of their normal rations for months.
They were to be sent to the better-funded Baku
Zoo in Azerbaijan, but the deal was vetoed by
the Tbilsi mayor for reasons of regional pride,
according to anthropologist Mary Ellen
Chatwin, who called WSPA after other groups
declined to help. The Tbilsi Zoo used to draw
500,000-plus visitors a year, with a staff of
120. Attendance fell with the economy when
civil war broke out following the collapse of the
Soviet Union; some of the present staff of 60
are paid under 50ç a month. Worldwide, the
menageries of at least four major zoos have
starved in the last two years, all due to war.

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Guest column: Attacks on Sea Shepherd are unfair

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, December 1993:

by Captain Paul Watson
Much criticism of the Sea
Shepherd Conservation Society has come
recently from elements in the animal rights
movement who accuse us of selling out the
effort to free captive dolphins.
I would like to set the record
straight and clear up any misunderstanding
concerning the objectives of Sea Shepherd.
I founded Sea Shepherd in 1977 specifically
to pursue the investigation, documentation
and enforcement of laws against activities
that threaten the survival of wild marine
life. Sea Shepherd is an ecological organi-
zation. Our mandate is the conservation of
endangered marine species and ecosystems.

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Free the dolphins and orcas? Free Willy inspires movement––but Watson has doubts, takes heat

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, December 1993:

SANTA MONICA, California––Paul Watson,
Ric O’Barry, Peter Wallerstein, and Steve Hindi all agree
on one thing: Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium shouldn’t have
captured three Pacific whitesided dolphins off San Diego
circa November 27. All were bitterly disappointed when the
Shedd capture crew eluded nautical and aerial surveillance
by the Whale Rescue Team to bring in the dolphins by the
dead of night. A Shedd holding pen at the Kettenburg
Marine wharf was dry and empty late Saturday; the anxious
dolphins were there and shrieking on Sunday morning, and
were still shrieking Sunday night, according to Hindi as
ANIMAL PEOPLE went to press.

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