Dutch to push “vaccination for life” ––may end culls of healthy livestock

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July-August 2013:

DEN HAAG––Dutch state secretary of economic affairs Sharon A.M. Dijksma on June 4,  2013 committed The Netherlands to trying to reverse European Union and other international policies which require culling livestock who have been exposed to contagious diseases of concern,  even if the animals are apparently healthy and have been vaccinated against the feared diseases. Read more

Barnyard scrambles & turtle racing

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July-August 2013:

RIVERDALE,  California;  DANVILLE,  Illinois;  EUGENE,  Oregon;  BELAIR,  Maryland––Video of a May 5,  2013 “barnyard scramble” at the Riverdale Rodeo in Riverdale,  California obtained and posted online by Showing Animals Respect & Kindness brought the end of the event,  the Fresno Bee reported on June 23,  2013. “The five-minute video shows rodeo organizers tossing animals out of trailers and containers onto the arena floor before children are turned loose to chase them,”  the Fresno Bee described.  Read more

Indian ban on tail-docking undone

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  May/June 2013:

CHANDIGARH–Kennel Club of India general secretary Harinder Singh Aulakh in mid-April 2013 advised dog breeders via the Indian Kennel Gazette that they may resume cropping the ears and docking the tails of dogs, after the Madras High Court ruled that the Animal Welfare Board of India lacked the authority to ban ear-cropping and tail-docking if done by a “qualified veterinarian.”  The AWBI had issued an order against ear-cropping and tail-docking in November 2011. Read more

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