Twiss again, like she did in Mississippi

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 1996:

HARRISON, Arkansas––The already tangled case of alleged
exotic cat collector Catherine Graham Twiss, 48, twisted again on May
15 when Boone County sheriff’s deputy Jim Clement found 10 big cats in
tiny cages without food or water at Twiss’ rented home in Hill Top,
Gaither Mountain. A dead leopard was found in the same cage as a starving
lion. Twiss was charged with 11 counts of cruelty to animals and
jailed for lack of a bond variously reported as either $2,500 or $25,000.
Twiss and her husband Lawrence Twiss were already involved in
the bankruptcy of an Arkansas tire store, and were facing cruelty charges
filed in Philadelphia, Mississippi, by Doll Stanley-Branscum of In
Defense of Animals over the treatment of 46 lions, 21 tigers, six
lion/tiger hybrids, five pumas, five bears and a variety of other animals on
an 800-acre rented farm. Landowner Manuel Goforth ordered the animals
removed about a month later. IDA bid on the animals at the Twiss’ bankruptcy
proceeding, but was outbid by Jim Cook, of Oxford, Mississippi,
whom Stanley then offered to assist. Twiss meanwhile fled on May 5
with apparently as many of the big cats as she could pack into her vehicle.

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