Woofs and growls

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 1994:

Wise-use wiseguys
Frederick Goodwin, former director of the National
Institute of Mental Health, announced in late March that he would soon
be setting up a Center of Science, Medicine, and Human Values at
Georgetown University, to promote vivisection. The announcement was
premature: on May 5, Georgetown University executive vice president
Dr. Patrick A. Heelan, S.J., stated in a letter to inquiring faculty members,
“Please know that Dr. Goodwin is not coming to join the faculty.” No fur-
ther explanation was given.
U.S. Surgical Corporation chairman Leon Hirsch took a 97%
pay cut last year, as USSC stock crashed. His wife, Turi Josefsen, took
almost as steep a cut. Still, Hirsch drew $1.59 million, while Josefsen got
$941,117, enough to enable them to keep supporting anti-animal protec-
tion including the Americans for Medical Progress Research Foundation,
Educators for Responsible Science, and Connecticut United for Research
Excellence––all funded mainly by U.S. Surgical itself.

Charities administration
The recent disclosure of outlandish salaries, a two-year-old
but seriously substandard shelter, and other problems at the American
SPCA has resulted in few apparent changes at the ASPCA itself since the
February dismissal of four longtime officials, but other shelters have been
hurt, Houston SPCA director Patricia Mercer charged in the April 19
issue of The Chronicle of Philanthropy. “I do hope that media coverage of
the ASPCA’s gross indiscretions will force it to not only rethink its policies
regarding animal care and staff salaries,” Mercer wrote, “but with regard
to fundraising, as well. Because the ASPCA has long led the public to
believe that it provides the animal protection services provided by other
SPCAs across the country, its activities will undoubtedly have a ripple
effect nationwide, with other SPCAs paying the price for the ASPCA’s
indiscretions. Because donors are con-
fused about who provides services and
where, the ones who will ultimately
feel the negative impact of the
ASPCA’s scandalous behavior are the
animals we strive to protect. Shame on
the ASPCA.”
In the latest ASPCA scan-
dal, longtime board member Ed
Hershey posed in a fur coat  on
page 11 of the February/March issue of
Equidaie, the newsletter of the
National Horseman’s Network.
Hershey also sits on the NHN board,
and heads Hershey Communications,
an advertising and direct mail firm
based in Irvine, California.
The House Ways and Means Committee’s oversight subcom-
mittee has introduced proposals for charities reform that resemble
those proposed in March by the Clinton administration––but are stronger.
Both the House and Clinton proposals would enable the Internal Revenue
Service to fine charities for paying excessive compensation, mandate that
charities provide their tax returns to anyone upon payment of a modest
copying charge, and would allow the IRS to fine charities whose forms are
incomplete or filed late. The House proposal would also enable to IRS to
penalize charities for making low-interest loans to trustees or managers,
penalize organizations that falsely claim to have nonprofit status, and
increase the IRS charities monitoring staff.
Last Chance for Animals advises recipients of letters from Santa
Fe, New Mexico federal pentitentiary inmate Anthony Miller (a.k.a.
Duane Miller, Duane Fuller, and Wayne Miller) that court records include
no evidence to support his claim that he is incarcerated for liberating ani-
mals. Miller has recently solicited support from animal rights groups.
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