From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 1994:

“Higher levels of childhood pet keeping
were related to more positive attitudes toward
pet animals and greater concerns about the wel-
fare of non-pet animals and humans,”
researchers J.S. Paul and James Serpell discovered
in a recent survey of 385 British university students,
published by the Universities Federation for Animal
Welfare (8 Hamilton Close, South Mimms, Potters
Bart, Herts EN6 3QD, United Kingdom). Serpell,
author of In The Company of Animals, now holds
the Marie Moore Chair for Humane Ethics and
Animal Welfare at the University of Pennsylvania.

The Bellingham-Whatcom Humane
Society, of Washington state, takes three or four
fifth graders per week from Columbia Elementary
School on a shelter tour, then has them write news-
paper ads for some of the animals they see. After
three years, the ads, accompanied by color photos,
have established an outstanding placement rate.
Kindergarten teacher Leslie Taylor o f
Cooperstown Elementary School in Philadelphia
has received $10,000 as the first winner of the
Humane Educator of the Year Award, presented by
the Pennsylvania SPCA. Taylor said she would use
the money to study whales in Baja California. The
award is funded from the salary formerly paid to
retired PSPCA humane educator Leroy J. Ellis.
Friends of Animals is trying to convince
the Capital Children’s Museum in Washington
D.C. to release a goat named Consuela to a suitable
sanctuary. Now dividing time between a second-
floor exhibit and a concrete-floored pen, Consuela
replaced Rosie, who was recently euthanized after
spending 15 years on exhibit.
Otterwise is seeking “the most original
bumper sticker that promotes peace from an ani-
mal’s point of view.” Children up to age 16 may
submit designs (accompanied by SASE) to POB
1374, Portland, ME 04104.
Led by fourth grader Andrew Green,
an entire class at Sleepy Hollow Elementary School
in Orinda, California, recently wrote letters to
Gillette, opposing product tests on animals.
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