Tactics & Actions

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, October 1992:

* PETA recently staged the first demonstration
against meat-eating to be held in Moscow, Russia,
since Leo Tolstoy’s time. Inasmuch as the picket signs
were apparently all in English, for the benefit of American
and British TV crews, Russian patrons were mostly puz-
zled. The vegetarian movement Tolstoy championed is
today little known in Russia; Lenin and Stalin viciously
repressed it, viewing the back-to-the-land philosophy that
went with it as counter-revolutionary. Further, while most
Russians are used to going without meat for prolonged
periods due to shortages, fresh fruit and vegetables are also
often scarce and expensive—and tofu was unheard of,
until a small Hare Krishna restaurant introduced it two
years ago. The American Fund for Alternatives to Animal
Research has moved to remedy the situation, wiring
$4,343 to the Center for Ethical Treatment of Animals in
Moscow on August 17. According to CETA president
Tatyana Pavlova, the funds will go toward a computer,
laser printer, and essential software, which in turn will be
used primarily to publish information on vegetarianism.

* The Albert Schweitzer Council takes advantage of
low classified ad rates in small town newspapers to publish
a variety of bulletins about humane animal treatment. A
typical text: “Your dog would appreciate a Merry
Christmas. A warm, dry wooden doghouse if kept outside.
(Inside better in severe weather.) Good walks with you.
Tasty special treats. Plenty of fresh water. Companionship.
Be a friend to ‘man’s best friend.’ Greetings from the
Albert Schweitzer Council.”
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